
I think that's a great idea!  A few users of the local 2m repeater in my
town have no concept of time, and continue for several minutes of a
stream-of-consciousness transmission peppered with "like I said..." and then
REPEAT what they just said!  I have been thinking about some sort of an
announcement which will butt in to inform everyone that the talker is too
talkative.  Most of these blabbermouths consider setting the TOT on their
own radios as "too restrictive."

Every user radio in my commercial fleet has the TOT set for 30 seconds.  In
my mind, that's more than enough time to get any important message across.
Unfortunately, many Hams think otherwise...

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of skipp025
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 4:14 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] A Monday Laugh

Re: A Monday Laugh

Since most of the repeater controllers have some type of audio 
wav/sound file playback... I thought of a great macro to run on 
a repeater user/system access timer. 

Record/sample a low volume level wav/sound file of the Peanuts 
Cartoon Teacher "Wha'...wha" sound. 

After say... 30 to 60 seconds of repeater same user keydown the macro 
would trigger the wav file to play the sound behind the "lock to talk" 
persons audio. Playback would stop and reset upon clearing the 
repeater input. 

Call it a time out timer warning message, which I believe is built
into the software of some controllers..? 

Then you'd have to write a macro to disable it for some x-value amount 
of time after it runs... to avoid abuse. 

Think about it... you need a laugh anyway... it's Monday. 


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