nj902 wrote:
> The Pulsar mobile phone is not a 1969 product, they were produced from 
> the late 1970's through the 1980's.

That would be a Pulsar II. The first Pulsar goes back to the late 60's, 
and was made out of componentry from...I think a Mocom-30 or 35. The one 
you're thinking of was built from a Mocom-70, and the early version of 
that, plus the first one were not synthesized, but "crystal-plex"-two or 
more banks of xtals mixed to get the desired freq. Clegg had a 2M mobile 
the worked the same way-can't remember the number-FM-27A/B?

I couldn't tell you what xtal freqs were involved, but you're right that 
a manual for it would be absolutely essential to do anything with it.

Jim Barbour

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