> Jim, you may be my last hope. I have an HW-24 talkie and need to change 
> the encode/decode tone frequency. Most functions are pretty straight 
> forward, but for the life of me I can't remember how to set the tone 
> frequency.
> If you could enlighten me, I would sure appreciate it.
> 73 - Jim W5ZIT

Sorry-I have no idea. I never had the handheld version, and the mobile 
is just a case of hitting the 'F' then the tone button, and dialing up 
what you want.

Someone once had some mods that would do things like add a short 
hangtime to the crossband repeat, fix the memories so that you could put 
  custom tones and offsets in all the memories, not just some, and other 
stuff. I had it hardcopy, but seem to have lost it...
Jim Barbour

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