Try this:

Notice the schematic for the ICS controller and the
resistor placement for negative COS.  Also, the image
at the bottom gives you the particular on the pinouts.

Preston Moore

>Hi there I'm puting together a repeater package for
>our local ham group 
>and run into a bit of a snag the IC-F121 radios
>external COS signal is 
>active low but only floats around 0.9 volts the
>controller I've got to 
>work with is a Crayfield CD-3P controller and it
>doesn't reconize the 
>signal since the swing is so small. The easy solution
>is to use a relay 
>to invert the signal, but I'm not sure what voltage/
>Amperage the horn 
>line on the radio will handle. Is there any one who
>can help?

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