Ok I have received lots of information and ideas and plan to check or 
apply them as I get time. As for the location of the repeater it is 
located at my house on a 45 ft tower. It is not located at a commercial 
site so I dont have those problems. The phasing harness on the AFM-44 
is NEW. I happend on a fellow a few years ago that had 3 brand new ones 
and when i put this antenna back up at its location now it went up with 
a new harenss. I also have a COMMERCIAL grade Maxrad UHF antenna on the 
tower that I am going to switch to and see if the noise goes away.
And yes i understand that 1/2 hardlind can be had pretty cheap, 
especially in short runs. But I need 4 connectors and those are not 
cheap!Plus I dont fancy a climb up a HDBX tower to change feedline that 
runs up the tower and up a 18ft mast. And I am dont have a money tree 
in the back yard! A pool yes but not a money tree.
And as far as movement of the feedline there is NONE and I mean none. 
The feedline is strapped to the tower/mast at abt every 6-8 inches all 
the way to the grounding board. The only movement would be the very 
slight movment of the tower in a wind and the noise is NOT wind related.
>From the grounding board the feedline is bundled with 7 other coax runs 
the come in the the shack abt 12 feet away. Once again there is NO 
movment of this feedline due to the way I have it bundled/anchored. 
Oh and when I say I moved the repeater I mean I not only moved it in 
frequency but I moved it 1500 miles from Missouri to Arizona!
I plan to run thru all the ideas/information that everyone has posted. 
we will see what happens and I will post if I find a problem or not.
Also I plan to change the internal jumper that runs from the receiver 
input to the RCA jack inside the case. 
Anyone have a couple of these OEM cables that are abt 16 inches long? I 
am having a heck of a time finding a GOOD right angle RCA plug like GE 

Thanks to all for the help!!!


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