At 4/24/2007 11:31 AM, you wrote:

>Can Someone Please put the Spectrum Analyzer thread in   Layman Terms   I 
>have a Motorola Serv Monitor R2001C With the Analyzer and a Icom R-7000 
>Communications Receiver with a AVCOM Spectrum Analyzer  I Can see 10 Mhz 
>at a Time  and I know that it's nice to Find Signals.  But I always 
>thought that a Actual receiver IE Scanner running the right Software would 
>actually find and see more Hits because it is actually a Receiver.  I know 
>for a fact I can hear a lot more on a Cheap Scanner then using a Service 
>Monitor on the same antenna. What do I not understand here

A spectrum analyzer is a very fancy, amplitude-reading scanner.  Some like 
the IFR A7550 have detector options so by setting the span to zero one can 
actually use it as a receiver.  Spectrum analyzers typically have more 
dynamic range & bandwidth than a scanner, & that dynamic range & bandwidth 
comes at the expense of sensitivity.  Some quality SAs I've used have noise 
figures in excess of 30 dB.

If you want to see more on your SA, put a preamp in front of it.

Bob NO6B

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