Howdy John,

    I too have the R100 repeater and though I havn't programmed it 
on ham freqs yet, it is a simple procedure from what I have read.  
First you must find the R100 program... (you can email me on this 
one)  then you must modify it via a hex editor.  There are a couple 
of lines you have to modify in the program it self to get it to 
program a R100.  After that you need a really SLOW SLOW SLOW 
computer running DOS.  Load it on that computer.  You will next have 
to build the cable or buy one.  It is a ribless cable.  (will send 
you the parts list and layout).  Hook the computer to the radio via 
the cable and enter your frequencies.  

73 de Joe KB5VJY

--- In, Mr John Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I have acquired a Motorola R100 repeater and I am
> trying to find out its capabilities.
> Do anyone know if the Motorola R100 repeater will tune
> down to the 434 MHz part of the amateur band? Will it
> program to an offset other than 5 Mhz? Is programming
> software available for this? Where can it be found?
> Is the programming software and cables only available
> from Motorola?
> I can tune the RF stages of the repeater and I have
> all the necessary RF test gear to do this. I need to
> find out how to program the amateur frequencies, get
> the software or find out where to get this done.
> Thank You,
> John Lloyd, K7JL
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