Other than the HP I just mentioned in my last post... I 
cut my teeth on the Halcyon... and it was actually a very 
easy/nice unit to use. Not to mention it is/was very well 
made. We beat the snot out of ours and it never died. 

Helper Instruments never made a bad box that I ever saw. I 
have a number of their boxes...  I'll even get around to 
scanning the rare/elusive Helper Catalog with Company History 
if anyone is interested.  And I know a small bit about the 
Zetron part of Helper Instruments. 

Vega even made a tone/line test box... 

Since people often don't know what these boxes are used for... 
they go pretty darn cheap on ebay. 


> "Steve Bosshard (NU5D)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I use a TIMS Meter - transmission impairment measuring 
> system - Halcyon, Convex, NT, even Helper Instruments 
> made a nice $300 box for basic testing.
> Steve NU5D

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