kdf9511 wrote:
> --- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, Jay Urish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Well hell!
>> You win!
>> It would be easy to take 1 vhf and 1 UHF and one of those repeater 
> maker 
>> cables and just plug and play (After programming of coarse).
> That may be an idea I seriously think about.  I would have to find a 
> realy good deal on the UHF rig though.  The VHF ones I am getting 
> are free.  The programing isn't going to be a problem as I will have 
> a full programing setup with them.
> I need to do something though.  I was sitting out on the patio last 
> night with my HT and was having trouble getting into a couple of 
> repeaters.  
> Kerry

I fully expect that. Handhelds can *NOT* be expected to give decent 
coverage, especially on 2M. First, you have the lower power level. Then 
you have an antenna that is typically 5-10dB of LOSS. Plus there's no 
good groundplane for it. Then you get into multipath and so on.

We tell people that the repeater is not designed for portable coverage, 
and cannot economically be made so.

And DO NOT, under ANY circumstances, try to repeat another 2M freq onto 
  a 2M repeater input!!! That's just asking for trouble! Interference, 
loss of control, and likely followed by some nasty comments from the 
repeater trustee!

Jim Barbour

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