At 07:29 AM 06/08/07, you wrote:

(big chunks cut out)

>He also clued me into what we were hearing. 452.9375 is the 
>frequency the locomotive uses to talk back to the FRED (Flashing 
>Rear End Device- the blinky box on the back of trains that replaced 
>the caboose). The Fred talks back on 457.9375. That means the 
>haystack is big- every locomotive in the yard has a transmitter on 
>452, which makes it very small needle!


>This gave him the clue we needed- there is a digipeater in the yard 
>for that service. The digipeater would be the only thing talking 
>that much. We went up to the control tower where the box is- 
>unplugged it- and bang- no more interference! Within 1/2 hour he 
>changed it to a backup box and so far so good! The litttle black box 
>digipeater must have been getting squirly off and on the whole time.
>So let's hope that's it. It's nice to find the needle.

It's even nicer to have a co-operative and helpful needle-finder... 
someone that knows where all the needles are, and has the keys to 
open the doors... (your railroad radio tech)


Let's hope the problem doesn't come back.

So was the digipeater an actual Moto product or something the railroad
guys tossed together?  If it was Moto, what was their name for it?


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