Mike Morris WA6ILQ wrote:
> Oops...
> <http://earthsignals.com/add_CGC/Letters/Lukens_Hazard.htm>

Four letters come to mind, if they want pressure on the operator of that 
tower...  O.S.H.A.  Would be entertaining to watch what an anonymous 
"tip" to them might bring about there.

Sure looks damn dangerous to be underneath that thing.

Additionally if you paid for one of those top spots, and you can't use 
it in that current condition... it would seem you might have an 
excellent claim to stop paying your rent until the situation was 
remedied, along with a nice letter stating that you'll happily send the 
site owners the bill for fixing the situation, if they'd like you to 
work on it.

You might even be able to get your insurance company (if you carry 
insurance, ironically typically required by most commercial sites) to go 
after them for the unsafe condition of the tower.

Hitting 'em in the wallet, always gets business-folk's attention.  But 
mostly just the hassle and annoyance of any or all of the above would be 
more negative than them simply fixing the problem.

They just need a little help in adjusting their priorities.

Nate WY0X

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