* Bill Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007 Jul 30 20:34 -0500]:
> Looking for experience and advice in using SPLAT or RM to "reverse
> plot" a repeater.
> What I'd like to do is identify holes in the current coverage and run
> a plot with SPLAT or RM with the holes as the center point to identify
> potential repeater sites.
> Do I use mobile parameters (antenna height) at the hole or do I use an
> estimated height of 100' assuming that I'll have a 100' tower at the
> new site?

I would start with mobile parameters and the hole as the center point
and do a coverage plat to an antenna at 100' AGL.  With most versions
of SPLAT! this will show theoretical line of sight.  You should clearly
see the results of earth elevation changes.  You can also tell later
versions of SPLAT! to use a Longley-Rice model that more approximates
an RF path than line of sight.

> Restated - how do I insure that reciprocal results are reliable?

That is tough to do as the computer programs can't account for foliage
and man made structures that will cause further path loss.  Up until
the last release or so SPLAT! only calculated line of sight.  Now it
includes a longley-Rice model option I think John is working on other 
algorithms for the current version.

Have you sent John an email about this?  He is quite responsive and
would know as well as any one how you might approach your problem with

- Nate >>

 Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB          |  Successfully Microsoft
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             http://www.qsl.net/n0nb/           |  "Debian, the choice of
             My Kawasaki KZ-650 SR @            |     a GNU generation!"
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