Some of you have been following the fact that I am making in effort on
converting the SEA ESP1000 repeater to amateur radio use. Finnaly got
some other peoples radios off the bench and I have had the last few
nights to tinker.

Progress made so far:

Changed Mini-UHF jacks to BNC.

Prepared RX board to accept re-synth board by removing molex connector
and adding 7pin SIP socket. And changing C4 and C24 to be minirature

Prototype resynth using ATMEGA8 instead of ATTINY45. This is being
done to finalize coding as ATTINY uses all I/O pins making further
programming of the chip impractical. 5 volt to 9 volt logic
transposers running perfectly.

Resynth is running in brute force mode with no intelegence at the
moment. That means it is still clocking data to the port while the
micro orders a tune to the master reference oscillator. This has the
result of shifting the receive frequency around. Audio is sometimes
pristine, sometimes noisy, sometimes transposed. I will have to write
the code of the re-synth to be more 'Transparent'.

Receiver tuned to 222.700 MHz, Best -113dBm for 12dB SINAD (Untuned).

Trying to get my hands on a logic analyzer at the moment, that way I
can see what is trying to do what instead of being in the dark.

VCO range is unknown at the moment, I can say it will not tune to
theoretical 225.0. VCO will need a tweak to run acceptably in the
222-225MHz range.

To be done:

Allow resynth to pass DAC information

Resynth to grab commercial use PLL programing and inturpret it into
the amateur range.

Move Transmitter into amateur range.

NBFM - Yes!

10.275MHz or 10.7MHz IF?

Turn Product detector to quadrature detector, IF linear amps to become limiters.

Anyone know if you can stretch the bandwidth of a crystal lattice
filter by say adding a coil, capacator or resistor in parallel?

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