Good Evening;

I just installed a repeater at a new site, and am a little 
disappointed in the performance. Plots using Radiosoft, which has 
been damn close to predicting the coverage on my other repeaters, led 
me to expect more performance than I am seeing from this site.

I have been waiting for RFS to deliver a 440-450 PD455, which has 
been delayed yet again. So while the tower guys were doing their 
thing, I threw up a PD1151 cut for 450-460.

The site seems to cover a wide area, but the signal is never strong, 
even close in.   The transmitter is on   I have used one of 
these PD1151 450-460 antennas in the past on a repeater, and 
it plays quite well.

Is it possible that while the 449 system is close enough to the 
design range of 450-460, the 440 system is experiencing the effects 
of being too far from the design frequency range?  THe SWR, while not 
perfect, is about 1.5:1 at 440MHz.   

Does the radiation pattern start to distort that severely when almost 
10MHz from the design/cut frequency of an antenna?

I know a lot of you are using DB420's down in the 440 band with good 
results. Are the dipoles that much more broadband, and less 
suceptible to radiation pattern distortion than the co-linear type 

As an experiment, I'm tempted to stick a spare box on the 
antenna over the weekend to see if it plays any better than the box to confirm or deny this suspicion.  Hopefully, I'll 
receive the ham cut PD455 sooner than later.


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