John - You should reduce the Power out to about half
and keep the fan on the heatsink of the transmit

Search the archives, a lot on info on the GM300s

Charles, KS3Z

--- John reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Due to the number of replies, I am sending this here
> . It is gone, 
> thanks for the interest.
> We have what seems to be a real good site for an
> Amateur Repeater, 190 
> feet up the tower and 1 5/8 all the way to the
> antenna.
> So far it looks like we will have a first class
> station.
> For now we are using two GM300s, I hope to find a
> 100% duty cycle 
> transmitter eventually, what do you guys think I
> should keep my eyes 
> open for. It has to be fairly economical as we did
> spend a bit on 
> everything else.
> Or, if we keep a nice fan on the GM300, will it be
> acceptable? I guess 
> that only time will tell.
> Thanks again.
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