> I think you'll find in most areas where the repeater frequencies are 
> "Full", that there are more repeaters to talk on than there are people 
> to actually talk on them.
> And we need more repeaters?

My point exactly, Larry - is ham radio best served by more repeaters 
than there are folks to use them blocking folks who want to try and 
revitalize things with a digital system?

Look at http://www.dstarusers.org and see who is talking now.

Maybe this digital stuff is just a fad, and when it dies out, channels 
used for digital should be returned to re-coordination, but to kill an 
innovation at the onset by not allowing a place to operate when there is 
unused / underused space available  just isn't right. 

As far as constant chatter - I would not want that either, but there are 
some repeaters that are just plain dead.  It also seems the assumption 
here is that Joe would not be agreeable to the new folks proposal,  
maybe he would be.....

Anyhow this is all intended in the spirit of amateur radio and I don't 
want to provoke any arguments or ill will, as before I am thinking about 
ways to make this work for everyone.  Almost coffee time,  73, Steve NU5D

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