I have had great service out of an Antennex 5 dbd UHF fiberglass antenna. It is mounted near the top of a 2000' tower and has been up for maybe 8 years with no problem at all. It was to be a temporary replacement for a DB420 but since it is working, I just never got around to swapping them out. It doesn't have the same coverage but is holding up well.
I have had problems with DB 224s on the tall tower. The elements break due to vibration and ice. Since lightning has not been much of an issue, I have been thinking of replacing the 224s with fiberglass jobs, either Antennex or Stationmasters. But Antennex doesn't seem to offer a 5 dbd model for the hamband.
Dave Baughn
Director of Engineering
The University of Alabama
Center for Public Television and Radio
Box 870150
195 Reese Phifer Hall, 901 University Blvd.
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487
205.348.8622 cell 205.310.8798

>>> "kfd29" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 9/22/2007 9:02 PM >>>

Looking to replace our current VHF Comm. repeater antenna w/ a higher
quality antenna. Orginally wanted the DB series 4bay dipole but not
sure if our current install setup will hold such a beast! Another
thought was using the Antenex series (YDA1504) on a lighter weight mast.

Any pros/cons w/ the Antenex product? Or anyone ever sidemount a db
dipole mast to a building?



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