Once upon a time in the early 80s I worked on an Army Mars repeater that 
self quieted.  Transmitter on 143.990 and received on 148.01.  Seems 
like the transmitter used a X12 multiplier, and the receiver had a 12 
mHz. IF.  Took lots of screen wire and feed thru capacitors to make that 
puppy work.  Steve NU5D ex AAV6NQ.

Scott Zimmerman wrote:
> Fellows,
> I have finally published my article on why the UHF mastr II radio self 
> quiets when converted to a repeater using low-side receiver injection. 
> Please read over it and let me know of any problems or things that 
> just don't make sense.
> http://www.repeater-builder.com/ge/mastrII/m2loproblem.html
> <flame suit on>
> Scott
> Scott Zimmerman
> Amateur Radio Call N3XCC
> 612 Barnett Rd
> Boswell, PA 15531

Ham Radio Spoken Here !!!  NU5D EM11
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