I have searched the archives to no avail so here goes. Could someone
tell me the primary differences between the Version 1 TKR-850 KPG-66D
software repeater and the Version 2 TKR-850 KPG-91D software repeater?

I am particularly interested in the difference between DTMF over the
air commands using the internal controller. In other words; can the
original Version 1 software machines be used without an external
controller for ham use? I would only need the basic functions to be
controlled.. i.e. turn pl on or off, turn repeater on or off, and of
course have it send a cw id... no courtesy tone needed. Will the
version 1 internal controller be capable of these functions or only
the later version 2 firmware internal controller

I am aware of the PA issues etc but can't find a good source showing
the differences between the units having the different firmware.

Thanks and 73 de Shane KI4M

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