    You bring up a very valid point. I only know of two IBOC listeners in 
the area. The local PBS station is trying to hype it so that may generate 
some interest, at least for their classical music station. They hope to go 
IBOC soon. Yes, keep those cards and letters coming in. How about a 

    I don't own an HD receiver and it isn't on my Christmas list. But the 
money is good, at least for now.

    To keep this kind of on topic, I have two ham repeaters there.

Al, K9SI

>    Re: AC Line Conditioner
>    Posted by: "skipp025" [EMAIL PROTECTED] skipp025
>    Date: Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:36 am ((PDT))
> You folks have more than 10 typical listeners to the
> HD System/format or is the Company just paying Ibiquity
> big money and hiding from the eventual death of IBOC?
> :-)
> s.

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