I just went (actually, AM GOING) through an order with ICM. Boy have
they changed in the last 10 years. Orders take much longer than they
used to. I went with ICM because this particular order I wanted to be
flawless. I should have stuck with Bomar.

Joe M.

Jim Brown wrote:
> I use Bomar these days for crystals for the ham bands.  I have had
> good luck installing them myself and re-adjusting them in a year or so
> back to the right frequency.
> I recently worked on a GE Delta radio that had been crystaled using
> CUMEX and found the receive crystal had drifted over 2 kHz in the
> several years it had been in service.  It was so far off it would not
> adust back to the original frequency until I ran the adjustment slug
> on down through the coil form and added another slug on top of it.
> Now with two slugs in the coil, it wound up back on frequency.  I
> don't know if it will continue to drift, or if it has settled down,
> but for now it is working just fine.
> I used Marden for crystals until I got into a beef with them on a
> receive frequency and gave up after sending an operating crystal back
> to them a couple of times and telling them what frequency it operated
> on, and them sending it back and telling me what frequency they
> thought it operated on.
> 73 - Jim  W5ZIT
>      Hi All
>      Looking for information on who makes crystals for channel
>      elements.
>      Micor's and Mitrek
>      Yes, I know that International makes them but the price is
>      high.
>      I have had good luck putting crystals in old channel
>      elements and changing the caps as necessary
>      to achieve reasonable stability. Used to use CUMEX in El
>      Paso but they seem to be gone
>      Ralph, W7HSG
>      From: Kris Kirby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>      To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
>      Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: UHF Radio
>      recommendations ??
>      Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 23:32:48 +0000
>      On Fri, 2 Nov 2007, wb6ymh wrote:
>      > The 30 watt version is a better radio for repeater service
>      since all
>      > solid state transmitters are very inefficient when run
>      below their
>      > designed output. A 30 watt Mitrek running at 15 watts will
>      probably
>      > last forever, but a 50 watt Mitrek running at 20 watts
>      gets way too
>      > hot for my tastes. It would probably be ok with a fan, but
>      I really
>      > didn't want a fan for numerous reasons.
>      Well the radio is only specified to run a certain percentage
>      in transmit
>      anyway, but at this point, you can probably get a dump-truck
>      load of
>      Mitreks for the asking. That will give you enough radios to
>      keep the
>      repeater running until Doomsday. All you need is a few
>      channel elements,
>      and you can skip using lightning protection altogether.
>      If a Mitrek falls in the forest, does it make a noise?
>      --
>      Kris Kirby, KE4AHR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>      But remember, with no superpowers comes no responsibility.
>      --rly
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