
The model number does not reveal the specific split.  Here's how
C73GSB-3145B breaks down:

C Compa Station
7 110 watts
GSB Fully optionable, with intermittent-duty PA
3 PL tone squelch
1 N/A
4 Supplied with two TX and two RX frequencies
5 DC Remote control
B Later model Base Station (not a repeater)

The intermittent-duty PA (GSB models) covers the entire 146-174 MHz band.
The continuous-duty PA found in the KSB models is offered in three splits:
132-150.8, 150.8-162, and 162-174 MHz.

To determine the split of your station, look at the number stamped on the
receiver/IF board.  If it ends in a "1" as in TRD6291A, it is for the
132-150.8 MHz split.  If the number ends in a "2" it is for the 146-174 MHz

Be aware that there are some significant differences between a base station,
which you have, and a repeater station which will have a model number ending
in "BT."  The duplex exciter differs from the simplex exciter, and there are
rows of filters to keep RF out of the receiver, along with additional
shielding plates, that exist only in repeaters.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ron Wright, Skywarn
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 7:04 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] MSR2000 info

hi all,

Anyone know details of a MSR2000 with part number C73GSB-3145B.

Understand is VHF base station, but know little more. Mainly
interested in frequency segment.

73, ron, n9ee/r

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