I guess that is where it is - in all parts. You need at least one
control point - be it local or remote, and if remote, it has to be...

Can anyone finish the path to where it requires the remote control point
to be wireline or radio (on an AUX frequency, not the input)? I know the
rules about AUX frequencies, and the provisions for those. I just cannot
make the connection that requires the control point to be an AUX station
or landline.

I know there is a specific rule that only ancilliary operations may be
performed on the input.

I had a guy at a meeting last night who wants to get rid of the
'expensive' phone line. I told him it was required for control of the
repeaters. He asked where that was in Part 97, and I didn't have an
answer for him. This is why I'm asking the question.

His answer is to let the control operator drive to the club to control
the repeater. (nobody lives within 3 minutes, and even if they did, that
person would always have to be home.

Joe M.

George Henry wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> >Sent: Nov 7, 2007 1:28 PM
> >To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
> >Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Part 97 question reference to Repeater 
> >control
> >
> >But where does it require a control link (AUX station) to control the
> >repeater? (or landline ot local)
> >
> >Joe M.
> >
> 97.7 states that EVERY amateur station (remember, a repeater is an amateur 
> station:  see 97.3(a)(39)) must have a control operator:
> §97.7 Control operator required.
> When transmitting, each amateur station must have a control operator. The
> control operator must be a person:
> (a) For whom an amateur operator/primary station license grant appears on the
> ULS consolidated licensee database, or
> (b) Who is authorized for alien reciprocal operation by §97.107 of this part
> And Station control is defined in 97.109:
> §97.109 Station control.
> (a) Each amateur station must have at least one control point.
> (b) When a station is being locally controlled, the control operator must be 
> at
> the control point. Any station may be locally controlled.
> (c) When a station is being remotely controlled, the control operator must be 
> at
> the control point. Any station may be remotely controlled.
> (d) When a station is being automatically controlled, the control operator 
> need
> not be at the control point. Only stations specifically designated elsewhere 
> in
> this Part may be automatically controlled. Automatic control must cease upon
> notification by a District Director that the station is transmitting 
> improperly
> or causing harmful interference to other stations. Automatic control must not 
> be
> resumed without prior approval of the District Director.
> (e) No station may be automatically controlled while transmitting third party
> communications, except a station transmitting a RTTY or data emission. All
> messages that are retransmitted must originate at a station that is being
> locally or remotely controlled.
> And 97.205(d) states that a repeater may be automatically controlled.
> So, taking them all together, a repeater MUST have a control operator, MAY be 
> under automatic control, and at all times when NOT operating under automatic 
> control, MUST be either locally (someone physically at the control point) or 
> remotely (RF or wireline) controlled.  If remotely controlled over RF, the 
> control link is in auxiliary operation, and may only be carried out in the 
> frequency segments specifically authorized in 97.201, which, as someone else 
> already pointed out, were recently expanded to include certain sub-bands on 2 
> meters.
> George, KA3HSW
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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