George Henry wrote:
> In the course of gathering information for a complaint to the FCC
> about an unlicensed business repeater in downtown Chicago on GMRS,
> one of the members of the local GMRS group expressed his curiosity
> about what brand repeater we might be hearing (as well as why they
> needed a gain antenna and at LEAST 50 watts on a 50-story skyscraper
> for in-building coverage...  I can hear 'em on my HT 25 miles away!)
> This repeater has the nastiest-sounding ID (bogus or long-expired)
> that I have ever heard...  it almost sounds like on-off keying of the
> carrier while modulated by a tone.  Either that, or a really
> high-level square wave.  It actually almost hurts to listen to.  I
> can send a WAV file if anyone wants to hear it.
> Any ideas?

Severely over deviated probably...yeah, throw a wav file up in the files 
section or get it to one of the mods to upload.

Jim Barbour

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