I know I posted this to the AR902Mhz group, but I'm not sure whether I
posted this here also...  If not, I apologize.


I have finally completed construction on my 927.5250 repeater.  Components
consist of:


*  Glenayre GL-Line paging station cabinet, power supply, and PA Heat Sink /
cooling fan

*  Motorola 800 MaxTrac receiver (converted to 902)

*  Motorola GTX transmitter/exciter

*  Communications Specialists TP-3200 controller panel

*  Custom-built isolator / duplexer (from Jeff DePolo)

*  Motorola STF2520A 150W Paging Power Amplifier (isolator removed and
re-mounted on the Glenayre heat sink)

*  Decibel BD586-Y omni antenna (6 dBd)

*  Andrew LDF4-50 feedline (approx. 50 ft.)


This repeater makes right at 100W output to the antenna.  Photos of the
station during construction and as a finished product have been posted at
the group's site.


I want to thank everyone who assisted me with the construction of this
station - from technical information to parts, moral support, etc...  I
certainly couldn't have done it without al of your help!  I also want to
publicly thank Ryan K9ZOE for providing me with the use of his 900 repeater
station on my pair until I could complete this project.


The repeater is currently planned for deployment tomorrow - weather
permitting.  (Or should I say, "come hell or high water"...)


73 and thanks again!

Mark - N9WYS

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