Re: SpectraTac ACM squelch mod 

You have the more modern standard Spectra-Tac or the earlier 
A-B tone version?  Are you talking about the squelch circuit at 
the receiver or the logi on the Signal Quality Moudle(s) back 
at the voter shelf? 


> tony dinkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Working on a spectratac package for a link receiver that will always
have way more than enough signal and got to thinking.  I know I have
run across mods to defeat the fast gate mode and run in insanely long
squelch tail mode permanently.  Old IMTS systems come to mind.  
> Has anyone ever done the opposite?  I would like to inhibit the weak
signal slow gate and hard wire it into fast gate only.  I would like
to do this in timing only and not make the squelch circuit tight.
> Any ideas?
> td
> wb6mie

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