> OK, I'm blowing smoke, but I'm afraid of white smoke in 
> cabinet!  I would like to get this drive back to 1.5 -2 watts 
> (protect the GM300 and prevent spurs) and get this PA back 
> down to 70 watts
> Any easy way to control the control line?

Why not skip the first two stages in the Micor amp and drive the driver
stage with your GM300?  Then you can just adjust the GM300's drive to get
the final TPO you want.  IIRC, the driver stage is normally around 8 watts
input, 25 output, which then feeds the four finals in the 75 watt PA.  Check
the manual to confirm those power levels.

Very important: there is NO HARMONIC FILTER in a UHF Micor PA - it's
outboard in the antenna network within the Micor station chassis.  If you're
going to use that Micor PA standalone, put an isolator and a good low-pass
filter on it.  Along the same lines, keep in mind that the 75 watt rating is
after the antenna network (isolator and harmonic filter); the PA's output is
normally in the 90-95 watt range before the antenna network.

                                        --- Jeff

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