Icom gives 5 more D-Star repeaters to the WIA
 Just over a month ago, the WIA announced the gift from Icom (Australia)
 Pty Ltd of a D-Star repeater to be located at Olinda in the Dandenong ranges,
 to serve the greater Melbourne area.
 D-Star is a digital protocol developed by the Japanese Amateur Relay League
 (the JARL) and stands for Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio.
 Now Icom and the WIA, concurrently with the official opening of the Olinda
 D-Star repeater VK3RWN, have announced the gift by Icom of 5 further D-Star
 repeaters to the WIA so that a D-Star repeater will be able to serve each of
 the other state capitals.
 The experience in Melbourne has been used as the basis of formulating what is
 really a cooperative effort between a club, its individual experts, the WIA
 and Icom.
 The WIA will consult with people in each state capital including the
 appropriate Advisory Committee to identify a club or group of clubs, supported
 by people with the necessary RF and computer skills, able to provide a
 suitable site and supply the ancillary equipment.
 Icom will provide the D-Star repeater and provide general assistance, and will
 maintain and repair the repeater on a warranty basis for 6 years.
 The WIA will licence the repeater and will meet the reasonable cost of
 broadband connection.
 It is hoped that the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group in Adelaide will be
 able to establish a D-Star repeater to serve Adelaide under these arrangements,
 as the AREG group were already exploring the establishment of D-Star repeater
 with Icom.
 The agreement between the WIA and Icom that forms the basis of these
 arrangements makes it clear that each D-Star repeater shall be open to all
 The WIA acknowledges with gratitude Icom's generous support.
 (VK3KI President WIA Michael Owen)

 Are you interested in learning more about Dstar and what this exciting 
 new digital radio mode has to offer then visit the website 
 And there is also a well established Australian Dstar news group, you 
 can join the group from the link provided on the Dtsar website or by 
 going directly to the following  

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