The short end with the male N connector goes to the
internal filter/duplexer (i.e. transmitter output).
The short end with the female N bulkhead connector
goes to the station junction panel and out to the
antenna. The long end with the right-angle male SMA
connector goes to the receiver input.

It looks like RG400, and since the receiver is on
slide trays, that cable has to be somewhat flexible.

There are plenty of photos of a UHF MSF repeater on
repeater-builder. I guess very few people in this
group ever heard of that site, much less read articles
there. I'll say it once - for the last time in 2007 -
it's aggravating to hear that people are too lazy to
search for, and read, information on the web. Maybe
it's an "ego" thing.

Bob M.
--- Eric Lemmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wow!  Already, KC5OZH has uploaded a drawing of an
> MSF5000 tee cable.
> Thanks, Charlie!  Since I have never seen one of
> these cables, let alone
> looked inside an MSF5000 station, I must ask a few
> questions:
> 1.  What is the Motorola part number of the pictured
> cable?  It is my
> understanding that there is a green cable for VHF
> and a green cable for UHF,
> and the part numbers are not the same.
> 2.  What cable type is used to fabricate the tee
> harness?  I'd think RG-142
> or RG-400, but "never assume."
> 3.  Which cable end goes to the transmitter, and
> which to the receiver?
> 73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

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