Cleaning out my garage of some stuff and am going to be listing some
of this stuff on Ebay if I don't get takers here.

1) Moto Spectra Mod.# TA3GX+078W  ID#-T83GXA7HA3AK  (Main unit or body
only - no head, mic or other cables)
Was told this was a 110watt vhf rig. Not sure if it works or not. Have
no way of testing it.

2) Moto Spectra Mod.#D45KGA5JC7AK same ID #. (Mani unit or body only -
no head, mic or other cables)
Was told this was a 45watt dash mount 800mhz trunking mobile. No way
to test, so am not sure if it works or not.

3) Moto STX-821 HT - No battery with it, but it does power up and
shows "Fire", "Admin", and "Marshall".  Keyed it a year or so
ago...and DID key a repeater at that time.  Have 2 mics I'll include,
one has a coiled cord and one has a straight cord with an little ht
antenna and another switch on it.

All will be sold as is. You pay shipping (actual cost) Can take pics
if you wish.  Will take offers before putting up on Ebay.

kd4ydc at juno dot com

Thanks and 73,

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