Fellow builders,

I searched the archives and came up with nothing -- if I missed it,  
please go easy on me. I've been using a Hamtronics T304 UHF exciter --  
the synthesized one that has a "real" FM modulator, is supposed to be  
much better than the crystal controlled, etc. I have two complaints,  
one really annoying:

#1 to get enough CTCSS modulation to reliably work on all of the  
amateur receivers I've tried, I hear a very high pitched ring/noise in  
the audio. Most users don't even notice it, but it bugs the heck out  
of me. Dead silent with no CTCSS. I'm using a CTCSS encoder circuit of  
my own design based on the MXCOM/CML MX165C. The output of it is sent  
through a 2nd order lowpass filter.... the tone is REALLY clean (oh  
yeah, the onboard CTCSS encoder of an SCOM 7330 does it too). So, does  
anyone have experience with the same and ideas for a fix? I've seen  
Kevin Custer's mod for the crystal exciters, but this is not the same  

#2 SLOOOOWWWW synthesizer lock-up time. I run the thing at my house,  
so leaving the synth run means it keeps the noise squelches open all  
the time. I tried letting the MCU and Synth chip stay up and powered  
and just un-power/power the transistor in the loop chain, but still,  
that synth takes forever to lock up. Soooo... Anyone smarter than me  
have any ideas on (non-relay) ways to break the coupling of the  
synth's weak signal through the rest of the amplifier chain and out  
the TX output? I say this because if I don't have anything connected  
to the TX port on my very well shielded enclosure, I cannot hear it,  
but just about anything connected to it (even a dummy load with RG400)  
causes me to have low level signal -- enough to break squelches within  
about 200 feet.


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