On Thu, 3 Jan 2008, chris Inos wrote:
>   I used my IC-28H..(mobile) .which has "led bars" on rx signal 
> strength.  I drove around the island and map out receptions on 
> strategic points.  Clients are satisfied that a 15-watts tx at 
> repeater site covered the whole island (32 square miles).  Repeater 
> located at center (highest point) of the island about 1700 ft. above 
> sea level...coverage of 20+miles easy. All system powered by solar 
> power.

Two approaches for this situation: gain and angle, and 1/4 wave ground 

Without any antenna gain, your pattern should be relatively close to an 
ideal ground plane, which will give you coverage from the horizon to 
almost 85 degrees vertical. Unfortunately, having no antenna gain, your 
ERP will equal your transmitter power, but since you're located so high 
up, and at the point of being virtually line of sight to everywhere, 
this is not an issue.

The more expensive route would be to get an antenna like a Super 
StationMaster, but spec'd with serious downtilt (> 10 degrees), so that 
the main lobe covers only the island itself. This would allow you to 
save on transmitter power, at the cost of an antenna. In your location, 
out in the middle of the Pacific, antenna shipping costs are not 
trivial, and power isn't much of a luxury either. Not to mention the 
elements can be brutal as well. 

18 watt transmitter, 1.8 dBi of transmit and recieve gain, pathloss is 
about 110 dB at 148MHz. 

But remember, with no superpowers comes no responsibility. 

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