You'll hear this from others -- DO NOT use the LMR-400 cable in duplex 

This subject comes up about every other week here.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "w2sxk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 4:43 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Antenna question for the forum.

> Goodafternoon,
> Me and a friend are putting up a secondary VHF repeater and have a
> antenna question. Being we are on a budget but have looked at these 2
> antennas as options.
> Diamond F22A monoband base or the Husler G6-144B
> Any pros or cons to these antennas and which would you choose or you
> have another option?
> Antenna will be mounted between 30-40' on multiuse rohn 45 tower fed
> with LMR-400 and subjected to typical Northeast USA weather "North of
> NYC". Ofcourse if money wasn't an issue, I would prompt for a more
> durible antenna specifically suited for repeater use. We need to keep
> antenna size down to less then 10' in length and cost down as well.
> My choice was the Diamond F22A. It apears similiar in size and
> construction to the X-200 dual band and I have not had any issues
> with my current intallation. Any comments or suggestions???
> 73,
> Steve - W2SXK

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