Thanks for the responce Mark....I share your concerns about having 
everything connected/terminated. I have trawled through all the files 
I can find and whilst some manuals show the interconnections as 
lines, none go to core level (unless I've missed them)

The chances of finding the missing componants are slim to say the 
least...Oh well never mind I'll have to put the 5000 in 
the 'pendingbox' along with the other projects!

Thanks again...........Cheers Dave UZN

--- In, "n9wys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave,
> There is a wealth of information available at:
> Be sure to drill down through the "sub-pages" and links...
> Also, the UHF Repeater Station Service Manual is available from 
> Part #6881062E75
> Price is $57.52 USD available from or 
> form Motorola if you have an account set up with Motorola parts.
> My MSF5000 is a 900 MHz unit, so I'm not sure whether the 
connections would
> be the same or not...  My thinking is that with the level of 
> control involved in this station, you'd probably get error codes up 
> ying-yang and not be able to test it without all parts properly
> connected/terminated.
> Good luck es 73!
> Mark - N9WYS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: On Behalf Of dave_g7uzn
> Hi Gang, I have received a uhf 5000 less pa unit and am therefor 
> presented with plugs and sockets hanging out of the rf tray! They 
> as follows....
> 9 way power sil socket,white,brown,black,blue,orange,green
> 6 way plug to pa,black,white,red,brown,orange
> 40 way ribbon to remote control
> I don't have a manual so don't know where to shove some dc to check 
> rx and tx driver! Could some kind soul suggest the minimum 
> to test the unit out please without hundreds of alarms!
>                Cheers Dave UZN

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