Hi There,

You guys may want to re-think a new repeater in your area on UHF.  
PAVE PAWS has all but eliminated UHF repeaters within a 150 miles 
radius of Beale AFB.  Check with NARCC, if you haven't already.  You 
may be wasting your time and energy.  Try another band.

Shorty, K6JSI

--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "roger_morrison2002" 
> --- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "robertko2" <robertko2@>
> wrote:
> >Hello Robert,
>    I also live in the sierra nevada mountains about 40 minutes 
> of the capital, I have one repeater up and running. If you would 
> to land line me I can fill you in on all of the problems. (530)272-
>    Roger KG6TZT
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > I just joined today, and have a delima. I purchased an antenna 
for my 
> > transciever/future repeater, but after all the work I'm about to 
do, it 
> > looks awfully small. It's similar to a scanner antenna the kind 
> > would put on the top of your trucks cab with a magnetic base. 
> > 
> > I am going to use a 200 foot tall fir tree which is next to my 
home in 
> > the sierra nevada mountains. At the top of the fir tree I am 
going to 
> > install a 16' tall galv steel mast to attach the antenna to. 
It's going 
> > to be quite a bit of work, and I'd sure like it to be a success. 
> > seen ham and other home made antennas, but have no idea how I 
> > build it, and or tune it for my UHF frequencies. If anyone can 
help me 
> > out somehow I would certainly appreciate it.
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > Robert
> >

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