I have seen the identical problem with some adapters (mine were the opposite 
sex as yours at both ends) given to me new in the plastic shrink wrap. These 
were supplied by Motorola for our use in some equipment they sold us. I took a 
few home and it was not long until I had one suffer a similar fate, but what 
happened to me is that the center conductor pulled out w/o me knowing it after 
a few uses and then when I used it the next time, it was "kind" open!

I ended up having two out of four adapters bad.

Roger W5RD 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ken Arck 
  To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 7:51 PM
  Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Bad adapter

  Just thought I'd share this with everyone in case you face the same thing.

  My 2 meter machine started experiencing noticeable desense about a 
  week ago. No real serious weather had occurred during this time, just 
  the usual Oregon rain. As I had replaced the antenna and hardline 
  about 2 months ago, my first thought was water infiltration.

  I went to the site this afternoon (can you believe it was snowing in 
  April? - Damn that global warming!) and the first thing I did was 
  check VSWR between the duplexer and hardline feed to the antenna. 60 
  watts forward, zero reflected. Whew, it's probably not the antenna or 
  hardline (no fun when you're dealing with an almost 200 foot tower).

  The next step was to check the VSWR between the duplexer and PA. 
  Cool, 90 watts forward, < 1 reflected. Hmmmm, the desense is still 
  there. Ok, back to the duplexer output "just in case". Still the same 
  - no reflected power but wait! The desense is gone! So what was 
  different between no Bird and the Bird in line?

  As it turned out, it was an SO239 to N adapter that I had used 
  because I didn't have the proper stinger with me when we replaced the 
  hardline. The adapter is used between the stinger (which has a PL239 
  on one end) and the duplexer, which is an N. And while the adapter 
  was a genuine Amphenol (silver plated and everything), I found out 
  when I got home that the center conductor connection was only crimped 
  and that center conductor was cracked. Placing the Bird in line 
  required not using the adapter so voila!

  I used another adapter I had with me and the repeater is working 
  great again. You better believe I'm headed back up to tomorrow with a 
  proper stinger with N connectors!

  Pics are here:



  Even quality can fail!


  "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the
  name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program
  until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how
  it happened." --Norman Thomas, Socialist Party presidential candidate 1936-
  68, Cofounder of the American Civil Liberties Union


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