Nate Duehr wrote:
> wd8chl wrote:
>> Good. D-Star and other digital voice modes do NOT need more spectrum on 2M.
>> If a digital voice mode does not have some sort of provision for 
>> monitoring for non-digital activity, or preventing transmission if there 
>> is any, it needs to be redesigned, as it can easily be considered 
>> illegal. P25 has it.
> The requirement for repeaters to monitor their output frequency was 
> dropped years ago Jim, if that's where you're headed. 

No, it wasn't.

  A D-STAR repeater
>   doesn't monitor for non-digital activity, and neither does a modern 
> analog repeater monitor for someone talking on the output frequency.

No, only concerned with end-user radios.

> (Yes, there were once requirements long before I was even a ham to do 
> so, as I've learned from others.)

I think I heard that too-but I don't know repeaters here that ever did it!

> As far as user rigs go, the Icom D-STAR user rigs do have the ability to 
> do a busy channel lockout on both analog and digital signals.  So that's 
> covered.  Just like SOME P25 rigs.  (Remember D-STAR is just an open 
> protocol, Icom just happens to be the only manufacturer making them 
> right now.  A ham in Japan has built a fully-working D-STAR interface to 
> hook to his FT-817 that works just fine also.)

That's what I was headed towards. The original post of the FCC answer 
(the part I quoted) seemed to lead that the petitioners were requesting 
additional repeater spectrum partially based on D-Star users not being 
able to determine if a frequency was in use by another mode. That is 
decidedly NOT a legitimate concern! There needs to be means to determine 
that there is other traffic on the frequency, somehow.

> Your assertion that ALL P25 rigs do busy channel lockout, is flat out 
> wrong. 

I never said that. I said that they all have some means of monitoring 
the channel for activity. Most have the 'dual-mode' feature I mentioned, 
most DO have BCL (but MOST don't have it programmed), and all at least 
have either a hangup clip function for mobiles, or a monitor button next 
to the PTT for handhelds.

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