Mike Besemer (WM4B) wrote:
> I just picked up a Midland WR-100 weather receiver to replace my sickly
> Radio Shack unit here at the house.  I've been toying with interfacing a
> weather receiver with our repeater for a while and was considering getting
> another WR-100 (they're only $29 locally) for that purpose, but I have a
> couple of questions.
> 1)     I see on RBTIP page that Midland WX receivers have a built-in fault
> because they will mute before receiving the EOM signal from NWS.  Does
> anybody know if this is true of the WR-100?

I have a WR-300 that does just the opposite-it does NOT mute when it 
hears EOM. It has a 5-min timer instead. So you get 5 minutes of NOAA 
even if the alert is only 10 seconds.
Not gonna use that on a repeater...

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