If you can stand to wait until early next week... I'll try to 
provide you with a basic circuit. Otherwise you can check at 
places like the www.repeater-builder.com web site for some ideas. 


> "Tyson S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to build an interface to connect a Kenwood TK-705D to a
Maxon UHF brick radio, basically where I am at this point is this, I
found a TK-805 instruction manual on the repeater-builder web site
that shows where the pin outs are for various things within the radio.
I have not confirmed yet to see if the pin outs are the same on a 705
vs 805 but I would imagine they probably are. If so then what I will
need to do is this, there is a pin within the Kenwood that is at 5v
when no receive audio is present, once it hears something the pin
switches to 0v. The Maxon wants it's PTT line to go to ground to
transmit. If the Kenwood was the other way around, I.E. 5v when a
signal is present it would be easy for me to interface the two with a
transistor. But how do I build a circuit to cause the Maxon to PTT
when the Kenwood's line switches from 5v to 0v? I am fairly limited in
electronics knowledge, but learning.

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