Hey guys,


Scott here.  I found a very interesting way for me to run my repeater
considering I am blind.  Has anyone used the Echolink Station software?
That will alleviate a lot of work on my end for the repeater cause since I
don't have eyes that will be a lot less soldering for this boy.  I am
reading about the Echolink Station and I like the principal.  I can keep my
hands pretty much out of the radio except for reprogramming the freqs on it
and retuning the duplexers.  The other thing I like is that I am able to run
Ar Newsline through the software controller and I was looking for something
like this.  According to the manual, you can hook up a receiver and a
transmitter and be pretty much set to go.


Where the repeater will be located here which is right at my QTH, I think
that since I have the knowledge of computers this will help.  I just have to
set up a box for it.  I am going to try and run a version of Windows Xp and
go that route.  It should still be fun and interesting to see how all this


One other question though, if I run Echo Station on the comp can I also run
Echolink also as a -r station with out any problems or should Echolink be on
a different machine?  Thanks for all the help.






Scott Berry

Email:  sberry at northlc.com

Ham Call sign:  N7ZIB


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