> Just use a simple inverter circuit.
> Take an NPN transistor, ground the emitter.
> Run a 10K resistor from the base to your input 
> signal. Run a 4.7K or a 10K from the collector 
> to +5.  The collector is your inverted input.
> We don't have a basic logic circuits page at 
> repeater builder 

The basic circuit you described above would probably 
work in many applications.  The problem is the choice 
of the parts, some possible gremlins in the form of 
RF and Noise and maybe the output. As an example... 
some of the various selected transistors might not 
completely saturate (turn on). Stray RF from an un-
bypassed circuit might stay on... 

Might be worth the effort to create a logic circuits 
section on the RB Web or Yahoo RB Group Page and park 
a few tested circuits into it. 


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