> PS - With work, I was able to model tower-mounted antennas 
> for 10M, using two-element colinears for both transmit and 
> receive, that achieved 70 dB isolation at 400' vertical 
> spacing. When I improved the model of the tower to account 
> for other hardware, guy wires, etc., not so much. It might be 
> a useful application on 6M.

I've seen a 10m single-site repeater work (100 kHz split) with 300 feet of
vertical separaton between antennas (single half-wave dipoles).  The Tx was
a Micor with tube amplifier running 1/3 kW, Rx was a Maxtrac.  No additional
filtering.  No desense.  I was suprised to see it work, and wouldn't have
believed it unless I saw it.  Of course, the site noise floor may have been
elevated a bit which would have masked some desense...

Glad we're all on the same page now :-)

                                        --- Jeff WN3A

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