Here's a company I've found very helpful for such:

Ken Knowels
Auburn Electronic Labs
Work:   270-542-6000
Fax:    502-542-7706

Work Address:
12345 Bowling Rd  (Highway 68/80
Auburn, KY   42206

Notes:  IFR 1500 repair; Auburn is a few miles east of Russelville, KY

At 01:46 PM 6/14/2008, you wrote:
>Re: Who's fixing Service Monitors these days?
>A fried just asked me if I know any business (or person) fixing 
>service monitors?  He's got a Marconi 2955b he's like to try and 
>have serviced by ___________________?
>Any help from the group...?    thanks in advance for your replies.
>Yahoo! Groups Links
Thank you,
Robin Midgett K4IDC 

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