At 6/27/2008 13:04, you wrote:

>At 11:56 AM 6/27/2008, rick wrote:
> >Gabriel
> >There are 2 capacitors in series marked 2C
> >KCK
> >Someone familliar with the markings can indicate the actual value.
> >from an old diamond, x500, if I remember. It came in 3 sections.
> >There is a photo in your@ hotmail box.
><----I say they're 2 pf, 100 volt ceramics

The GP9 uses 500 volt capacitors, according to an engineer I talked to at 
NCG.  I'd go with the highest value you can find for repairing your X500: 
(1 or 2 kV), as I have the same problem which resulted in losing 440  - 2 
meters is unaffected.

Bob NO6B

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