Don't leave out the isolated TEE between the duplexer and dummy load, 
Ron.  Hi,  Steve NU5D

Ron Wright wrote:
> Bill,
> In finding desense first one must locate the problem.  A given.
> I would start with putting GOOD dummy load on the duplexer output and do a 
> desense test.  This can be done with a local signal gen where you can vary 
> the gen output and keying and unkey the transmitter.  You should see no 
> difference in the received signal with tx keyed or unkeyed.
> If you do then the desense is in the repeater.  Next do the same test with 
> the dummy load on the transmtter only.  This will test for the desense being 
> inside or outside the radio part of the repeater.
> I would look at your LMR400 and antenna.  I think the LMR400 is a double 
> shielded cable with different metals for the 2 shields.  This is a no no in 
> duplexed system.  It generates noise.  It has been discussed here on this 
> board many many times and for good reason.  If this is a problem replace with 
> a good heliax.  It is worth the cost.
> This is a start.
> 73, ron, n9ee/r

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