Nate Duehr wrote:
> On Jul 27, 2008, at 3:05 PM, Dave Gomberg wrote:
>> At 12:10 7/27/2008, Alexandre Souza wrote:
>>>    "How to build a small group repeater in a very tight budget?"
>> Listening to all your restrictions, Alexandre, I would try to get
>> access to two towers at least a couple of kilometers (5-10km would be
>> even better) apart and put in a 1.2m or 70cm link between them.
> Go with 70cm.  More hams in a financially troubled place are likely to  
> have "test gear" for 70cm in the form of dual-band radios.  If you  
> suspect a problem with a 1.2 GHz link, you're going to have to find  
> the "techies" with 1.2 GHz radios... if they even have them.  On 70cm,  
> more people will be able to help troubleshoot.
>  From a "maintainability" standpoint, a 2m transmitter/70cm receiver  
> at one side, and a 2m receiver/70cm transmitter at another is very  
> easy to maintain.  A 70cm link between two sites is the way to go.
> We ran our 6m repeater that way here for years, and people even found  
> the link frequencies and would talk on them if all they had was 70cm  
> gear, so they could reach their buddies on 6m.  The people doing this  
> understood that the link was on yagis, ran only exciter power from a  
> MASTR II on transmit, and not optimized for "user" access, and we  
> never had any complaints that the "70cm repeater" wasn't working well  
> enough for anyone.

Something a few people have done (to add to this) was to make the 6M 
receive end a full 70cm repeater, and the 6M tx end just listens to the 
output of the UHF repeater.

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