Well, the MICOR Community Repeater manual supplement arrived today, and I've
been going through it with the proverbial fine-toothed comb.

I replaced most of the jumpers I originally removed from the backplane.
(According to the jumper matrix in the CR manual, they needed to be IN
whereas the "regular" repeater indicated they needed to be OUT.)  I also
went through the various cards necessary and checked jumper settings for
those.  This is where I ran into my next problem(s).

First off, the repeater does NOT need a Line Driver card for Community
Repeater operation.  I does need:
Time Out Timer
Station Control 
Squelch Gate
Master Decoder and  
4-User Control modules.

I went through the manual to set the jumpers as necessary, but ran into a
snag with the Squelch Gate. Both manuals ("Community Repeater" and "Control
and Applications") identify the Squelch Gate card as TLN4662A.  I have about
a dozen SG cards and they're all TLN8772A, of various vintage. Parts are
laid out differently than what is shown in the manuals, and I can't even
find some of the jumpers referenced in the manuals on the cards.
Specifically, I can't seem to find JU-12, JU-14 or JU-15... if they're on
the card, they aren't very marked well.

Anyway, I've actually take a step backward with this project, in that once I
replaced the jumpers on the backplane, I lost repeater operation with the
Line Driver card.  (In a way, I kind of expected that, though.)  I was able
before to key the repeater with the proper input freq and PL, now I cannot.
Also if I key the station with the PTT switch on the Station Control card,
it does not drop when PTT is released. 

My first question is:  Is there a different version of the Squelch Gate card
that I need, or is the TLN8772A a "direct replacement"?  If it is a direct
replacement card, does anyone have the manual page(s) for this particular
card so I can get the jumper settings and locations picked out?  My thinking
at the moment is that I still don't have the jumper configuration correct on
the SG card...

Next, the manual calls out yet a different part number for the backplane:
TCN1211A.  To reiterate, my backplane is a TRN6421A.

I'm getting more confused as time goes on.  If Motorola issued
upgrades/revisions for the various control cards and the backplane, the
documentation isn't contained in any of the manuals I have.  My backplane is
apparently properly labeled for card placement (according to the Community
Repeater manual) but for whatever reason, I'm not making any progress.

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