At 8/7/2008 00:09, you wrote:
>A buddy installed a G6 on his repeater here locally atop a 5,000 ft + 
>Mountain. They went back up about 30 days later and could not believe what 
>condition it was in. I kept hearing stories over the radio about how it 
>looked like it had been up there years. When they took it down, and 
>brought it to one of our club meets, the radials were either broken off or 
>bent, and the antenna did over-all look a but rough for wear. This was 
>after having been subjected to heavy now and ice build up on Mt Wilson. 
>The repeater owner swore by those antennas until he witnessed what effect 
>the snow and ice had on it.

How strange.  My G6 was on Sunset Ridge (similar elevation/climate) for 
over 15 years.  When it came down it looked ~15 years old - not too 
bad.  Are you sure someone didn't pull an antenna switcheroo on you?

Bob NO6B

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