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I have the station working - receiving, decoding proper PL tone, repeating,
transmitting audio, etc.  The only thing it is NOT doing is encoding tone
for transmit.  (A reminder - this is a Community Repeater MICOR chassis, NOT
the standard repeater chassis.)  Anyway - from what I can tell, the Master
Control module is NOT sending tone out to the modulator.  The problem I have
is this: the manual supplement I have shows a different Master Control
module that what I have.  My modules are not IC-based, the ones on the
manual are.  Therefore, I believe the schematic and operation for the module
I have is completely different than that in the manual.

Does anyone have an earlier issue of the Community Repeater manual -
68P81025E55 (probably revision A, since mine is a "B")?  *ALL* I think I
need are the pages pertaining to the Master Control Module - part #TLN5803A.
(Other part numbers may be:  TLN8780A or TLN1684A - these are numbers
stamped on the flange of the card - the first number above was printed right
on the circuit board.)  The module referenced in my manual is TRN6165A.

For those with a manual - I am seeing tone at Pin 7 ("Tone PL Out") but not
at Pin 2 ("Tone or Binary PL to Modulator") on the Master Control module.  I
tried merely jumpering Pin 7 to Pin 2 - doesn't work.  Because the schematic
and board layout is completely different, I have no reference to be able to
chase signal through the circuit.  I'm also wondering if a required jumper
is missing or a jumper is improperly installed on my Master Control card.

Mark - N9WYS

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