The coaxial colinear is my favorite home made repeater antenna. I
usually try and find a bad commercial antenna and suck the insides out
and replace with insides cut to ham frequency. I do not use RG-58 as
this article references, I will typically use RG-8 that does not have
foam type center insulation. I recommend the use of double wall heat
shrink tubing around the joints for more strength.

The antenna design is also very well detailed in the ARRL Repeater
Handbook that was first published in the early 1970's. I have been
involved in building several of these for 2 Meter repeaters and am
presently in the process of building one for 222 MHz that will go
inside a Stationmaster shell that was originally made for 170 MHz.

73, and good luck.
Joe - WA7JAW

--- In, "Dr. Stephen Andrew Wilson"
> Dear Friends:
> Our club (Radio Club Querétaro, XE1RCQ)is in the process of putting
> together a UHF repeater for our authorized frequency of 438.150.  At
> the moment we only have a Ringo-type antenna, and are looking for
> ideas for more efficient home-made antennas for this purpose. I tried
> several Google searches, and only came up with a few trillion
> commercial UHF antennas.
> Our system at the moment is quite simple, and consists of two Motorola
> GM300 radios, with a Celwave duplexer. 
> Thanks in advance for your kind assistance.
> Steve, XE1UFO, RCQ president
> Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico

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